Wednesday, July 26, 2006

book bog backhoe Ireland

Through the marvels of computers, I typed these four words into a search engine after reading a brief article in today's Rocky Mountain News. I came up with a newspaper article from the Hindustan Times (of all places) about a manuscript discovered by a backhoe operator in Ireland. Manuscript experts at Trinity College in Dublin date the medieval manuscript to 800-1000 A.D., and will be spending years researching this new discovery.

The Times article states,
The book was found open to a page describing, in black Latin script, Psalm 83, in which God hears complaints of other nations' attempts to wipe out the name of Israel.

This is either an elaborate hoax on the part of the bog's owner (or the backhoe operator), or another glimpse of the hand of God. I'd like to root for the latter.

Oh, and just in case you were looking for a used backhoe, try

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