Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Tower of Babel

Early in my teaching career, I taught sixth grade in NE Florida. On the first day of school, a student asked me a question in a foreign language.

To attempt to replicate the full effect of my dilemma, you must say it fast and use a southern accent: "MizMacMillen, isyoufintocarryusoutside?"

What he meant was, "Miss McMillen, are you getting ready (fixin') to take us outside?"

Reading "Why Don't They Just Speak English?" in Christianity Today's "Books and Culture" newsletter reminded me of this conversation I had 28 years ago. It also makes me consider the Tower of Babel. What must it have been like when God confused the languages? And now, here were are thousands of years later, still trying to translate the Bible into numerous obscure languages. This article is made even more interesting when one considers this tremendous task. You'll appreciate not only already having a Bible in our language, but you'll be in awe of the tenacious people who spend a lifetime on these translations.

(painting by Pieter Bruegel, 1563)

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