Wednesday, November 09, 2005

So What Does This Have to Do with Motherhood?

So what exactly do the riots in France have to do with motherhood in suburbia? They have quite a bit to do with it actually. France did not get into this situation overnight. If we're astute, we in America will learn from Europe's mistakes before it is too late.

We're following much too closely in their footsteps as it is. First, the degree of ignorance of IMPORTANT truths is appalling. We spend so much time, effort, and money on the entertainment industry (I include professional sports in this category) and the fluff of life. Second, political correctness has run amok in our culture. We have denied ourselves the ability, even the obligation, to say what needs to be said. Consequently, evil is allowed to fester and eventually triumph. Third, too many people in the U.S. look to the government to solve society's ills (nevermind the problem of agreement on what those ills are, in the first place). Fourth, most people in political office are looking out for their political futures and the advancement of the Party, rather than what is best for this country.

What is best for the cattle rancher in Nebraska? What is best for the teacher in inner city Detroit? What is best for the housekeeper at the Days Inn in Miami? What is best for the coal miner in West Virginia? What is best for the priest of the small parish in rural Vermont? What is best for the single welfare mom in Houston? What is best for the home schooling mom in Lander, Wyoming? What is best for the WWII vet at the VA hospital in Honolulu? What is best for the concertmaster of the Chicago Symphony? What is best for the drunk sleeping on the sidewalk in L.A.? What is best for the soldiers in Iraq? And, yes, what is best for Jennifer Aniston?

If I don't care what happens to America, if I don't try to see what is happening in the world and how it impacts us, if I don't try to teach my children the truth, how to recognize the truth, how to fight for the truth...then I have failed as a parent. If I teach them who they are in Christ, if I teach them to get A's in Math, if I shuttle them to their music lessons; but I don't urge them to search out the truth and fight for it...then I have failed as a parent. And if I say nothing about "youths" rioting all over France...then, too, I have failed as a parent.

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