Sunday, May 28, 2006

"All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name"

The English author of this hymn, Edward Perronet (1726-1792), descended from a distinguished family of French Huguenots who fled religious persecution and settled in England. He was ordained in the Anglican church, and worked alongside John and Charles Wesley. He wrote several hymns, but this is the only one that remains in general use today.

Here is an interesting story about Perronet that should make you smile:

John Wes­ley was al­ways try­ing to get him to preach, but Per­ro­net, though cap­a­ble, was some­what in awe of Wes­ley, and al­ways de­ferred to him. Any time John Wes­ley was pre­sent, Per­ro­net felt Wesley should do the preach­ing. But John Wes­ley was not one to take “no” for an an­swer. So, one day, in the mid­dle of a meet­ing, he simp­ly an­nounced, “Bro­ther Per­ro­net will now speak.” Think­ing quick­ly, Per­ro­net stood be­fore the large crowd and de­clared, “I will now de­liv­er the great­est ser­mon ev­er preached on earth” (you can imag­ine he got ev­er­y­one’s at­ten­tion). He then read the Ser­mon on the Mount, and sat down.

To hear the accompaniment, read all of the verses, and read the entire article about Perronet, go here.

All hail the power of Jesus' name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all!
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all!

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