I've got a dozen ideas rolling around in my head and no time to write. Such is the December life in a family with two musicians and one ballerina.
While driving this evening to my job playing a Christmas extravaganza at what our son calls The Starbucks Church (another potential post), I spied this bumper sticker:
Made in China
Loved in America
The bottom of the bumper sticker had the website address of a popular local adoption agency that specializes in adoptions from China.
As the mother of two children adopted from Korea, I found this very offensive. What do most people think of when they hear the term, Made in China? Especially nowadays, they think lead poisoning, unhealthy, inferior, cheap, tacky, destined for the trash heap, etc.
The precious babies that are conceived, carried, and placed for adoption in a country with a barbaric one-child policy are none of these things. They are human beings, created in the image of God. In addition, I daresay that the vast majority of them were very loved. They just happened to be the wrong gender in a country where only one child is allowed, and a son will be the one to care for you when you're older.
Dear Lord, I pray your special blessing on orphans, their birth families (especially the birth mothers), and their adoptive families.