Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Company With Jesus

I love to read, but I don't remember nearly as much as I'd like. When, however, I seem to read similar thoughts in different sources (and I remember the comparison), I figure God is trying to tell me something.

Here are two things I've run across recently:

"There is only 'one thing necessary'...always ask what God wants me to do and then do it."

from The God Who Loves You
by Peter Kreeft

"Think of the satisfaction it will be to hear Jesus say--'Well done, good and faithful servant'; to know that you have done what He sent you to do. We have all to find our niche in life, and spiritually we find it when we receive our ministry from the Lord. In order to do this we must have companied with Jesus; we must know Him as more than a personal Saviour."

from My Utmost for His Highest (March 5)
Oswald Chambers

Life is hard, but we (more accurately, I) make it more difficult than it need be. We ask God what He wants us to do, and then we do it. We company with Jesus. People don't talk like that any more. But, the words company and companion come from the Latin com-, meaning with or together + panis, meaning bread or food. I suppose we could take that literally to mean availing ourselves of the Lord's Supper regularly. But, I think we can also take it to mean that we live a life so close to Jesus, that it's like we share every meal with Him. Which, of course, we do, if we would but recognize it.

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