Monday, July 20, 2009

"My Shepherd Is the Lord My God"

An unknown writer paraphrased Psalm 23 into a rhyming poem, suitable for singing. These words were put to the music of English composer, Thomas Tallis (1505-1585). Tallis, a church organist, com­posed Ro­man Ca­tho­lic li­tur­gic­al works in La­tin. Although he re­mained a Ca­tho­lic, Tallis composed music for the Anglican church, as well. He was one of the first com­pos­ers of Anglican sa­cred mu­sic to write in Eng­lish.

My Shepherd Is the Lord My God

My Shepherd is the Lord my God;
What can I want beside?
He leads me where green pastures are,
And where cool waters hide.

He will refresh my soul again,
When I am faint and sore,
And guide my step for His Name’s sake,
In right paths evermore.

Though I should walk the vale of death,
I should not know a fear.
Thy rod and staff they comfort me:
Thou, Lord, art ever near.

A table Thou hast spread for me
In presence of my foes;
Thou dost anoint my head with oil,
My cup, Lord, overflows.

Thy goodness and Thy mercy, Lord,
Will surely follow me,
And in Thy house forevermore
My dwelling place shall be.

(The link above will take you to the melody, as well as the printed words. I am unable to locate a source for the painting of Tallis, above. Variations of this painting seems to be the only rendering we have of him. It appears that the painting was modeled after an etching of Tallis.)

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