Sunday, January 08, 2006

"Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling"

This morning we visited a church that sang no hymns. Only meaningless, repetitive praise choruses. I can't stand a steady diet of this. I am starving for hymns!

This evening I went to the Sing for Joy website, looking for some inspiration. They choose hymns appropriate for each Sunday, given the scripture readings, and play recordings of them during their weekly radio show. As I was familiar with only one of the hymns listed for today, I opted to try my hand at a new one. If you go here, you can listen to a recording of the hymn "Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling." Written in 1942, the words are still under copyright, so I will not publish them here.

I am unable to find any other information about the hymn, but I am too tired to come up with another substitute. I am sorry. Perhaps next week we will attend a church that sings some good hymns, and I can share one of those with you.

1 comment:

Deb said...

I enjoyed it, too. Glad you liked it!