Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"God Moves in a Mysterious Way"

A friend sent this hymn to me this evening. It was written by William Cowper (pronounced Cooper) who wrote many hymns with John Newton, famous for writing "Amazing Grace". This friend knows that I long to hear hymns sung in church, and she thought these words would speak to me.

They did, so here they are.

"God Moves in a Mysterious Way"

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.

When someone tells you to take something, the thing that you're supposed to take is usually there. If we are told to take courage, the courage is there for the taking. And not only is it just courage, but it is fresh courage. If you are weary and discouraged, not only is there courage for the taking, but it is fresh and new. Not the flimsy and fake "new and improved" we see on items regularly purchased at the grocery store. This fresh is a supernatural freshness, wrought only by the one true and living God.

The link above will connect you to the story behind the hymn, the melody to the hymn, and the words to all the verses. (Just a reminder: Silence the current music by first scrolling down to the Sonific box on the right and click on the play/pause button. Then, you can click on the hymn link without competing music.)

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