Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Legacy

As I contemplate resolutions, new beginnings, and making improvements, I ran across the following while doing genealogy research. It appears on a tombstone in a Culpeper County (Virginia) cemetery and makes me pause. What legacy I am creating for my children and others I love?

Sacred to the memory of My beloved husband
Capt. John Fray (May 23, 1840 - December 28, 1884)
...His many virtues form the noblest monument to his memory...

A brave soldier, a consistent Christian, a faithful friend, a devoted husband and father, true to God and man in whose character were blended principle, integrity and the highest sense of honor. In life he possessed the confidence, esteem and affection of all who knew him. Leaving behind him to his bereaved family and sorrowing friends a memory fragrant with good deeds and noble impulses.

Oh, that I could live a life fragrant with good deeds and noble impulses!

(The photo above was taken by the famous Civil War photographer, Matthew Brady. These three confederate soldiers were captured by the North at Gettysburg in 1863. I don't know what ultimately happened to them, but something about the picture was intriguing to me.)

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