Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pharaoh and Me

This commentary on Exodus (quoted below) brought up an interesting thought.

The struggle between God and Pharaoh is classic because it demonstrates how all men and women tend to struggle with God. Pharaoh will first reject God altogether, then respond to the initial demonstrations of God's power by believing in the artificial manifestations of power which human trickery can devise. When even the tricks of his magicians cannot duplicate the plagues brought against his people and property, Pharaoh will try to avoid God through procrastination, compromise, and insincere repentance. With each attempt at resisting God, Pharaoh's heart gets harder, until he is unmoved by even the threat of death to his people.

(from The Daily Bible In Chronological Order (Jan. 23) with commentary by F. LaGard Smith)

Lord, forgive my tendencies to be more like Pharaoh than I'd like to admit. And please soften the hearts of my family members who still don't know You.

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