Sunday, June 01, 2008

Do Hard Things

Last week, our local newspaper had its weekly column where respondents are selected arbitrarily and asked a question. "What do you most look forward to after graduating?" was asked of a local high school's seniors. Three of the six respondents answered, in some fashion, "Getting out of my house." The other three answered with a variation of, "Going to college."

Our son is nearly 14, and entering high school (at home) in the fall. I know he may very well be singing a different tune four years from now. But this past weekend, he spent time helping at the Rebelution conference in Denver. He was setting up, tearing down, checking bathrooms after the breaks, etc. He enjoyed the 90 minute sermon by Mr. Harris. He took notes during part of the twins' talks. He started reading their book, Do Hard Things, on the way home in the car.

It is my fervent prayer that our son continues to grow in his faith. That when he graduates from high school, he will be eager for the next step in his life. But it is also my prayer that he will have good memories associated with his home and won't feel the need to tell anyone that he can't wait to move out.

(photo is of our son, in the middle, with Brett and Alex Harris)

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