Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Built on the Rock"

"Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the Lord:
Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn;
look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth.
When I called him he was but one, and I blessed him and made him many."

Isaiah 51:1-2

One definition from Webster's for the word hewn is:
to give form or shape to, with, or as if with heavy cutting blows.

Life certainly deals heavy cutting blows. But when you acknowledge that it is He who is forming and shaping you, it doesn't seem so difficult to withstand. It is all in His time and for His glory.

Here is a hymn to prepare yourself for the coming Sabbath, based upon one of this week's scripture readings.

Built on the Rock

Built on the Rock the church doth stand,
Even when steeples are falling;
Crumbled have spires in every land,
Bells still are chiming and calling;
Calling the young and old to rest,
But above all the soul distressed,
Longing for rest everlasting.

Surely in temples made with hands,
God, the Most High, is not dwelling;
High above earth His temple stands,
All earthly temples excelling;
Yet He whom heavens cannot contain
Chose to abide on earth with men,
Built in our bodies His temple.

We are God’s house of living stones,
Builded for His habitation;
He through baptismal grace us owns,
Heirs of His wondrous salvation;
Were we but two His Name to tell,
Yet He would deign with us to dwell,
With all His grace and His favor.

Go here to read all of the verses and hear the music. (Please silence the blog music first.)

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