Friday, September 26, 2008

A Process Steadily Maintained

"It is easy to imagine that we will get to a place where we are complete and ready, but preparation is not suddenly accomplished, it is a process steadily maintained. It is dangerous to get into a settled state of experience. It is preparation and preparation."

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers
(Sept. 24 entry)

I seem to get my best blog ideas while reading during school. The kids each get one end of the couch and I get the rocking chair. Well, wouldn't you know...I'm finally able to sit down at the computer and now I forget what pearls of wisdom I had to say about this quote.

There have been times in my life when I've thought, "I'll really start enjoying life when...a boy asks me out on a date, I graduate from college and get a job, we buy a house, we get pregnant, we get out of debt, etc." I'm getting better at being content with where I am in life. I guess you could call it a "bloom where you are planted" philosophy. God has placed me here, at this time, with these limitations, these talents...and I think He expects me to use them for His glory.

So the next time I am tempted to sow seeds of discontent in my life, I should remember that my preparation is a process steadily maintained. This preparation can be for many things: school, meetings, maintaining our home, raising our children, studying God's Word, and even walking our dog.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for your comments at

My what a lot to talk about! Your statements touched off a whole plethora of ideas for things to write about, more than I can handle right now.

I just found your site from what you posted there.

First of all, I was blessed immediately by the music. Be Thou My Vision is my favorite hymn. I have friends that think the same. And that's not all that's there. Who's the artist? Is this music in the public domain, or do you just let people hear it? Where do I purchase my copy?

Time permitting I'm going to look around your site some more.

In His service and yours,

Jeffrey Alan Klute
Rayville, Missouri

Deb said...

Hi, Jeffrey,

Thanks so much for stopping by!

"Be Thou My Vision" is one of my favorites, too. That's why you always hear it when you pop over to my place. If you scroll down on the right, there's a link to You can click on "create your free playlist" and get music for your blog. I don't know if they'll start charging in the future once we get hooked, but for now, it's free.

Stop by again. It'd be fun to chat.