I love to see God's hand in teaching me His truths.
I didn't post a hymn last Sunday. I originally began this blog on a Sunday in November by posting the words to a hymn because I longed to sing a hymn of praise to my Lord and Savior. I've posted the lyrics to a hymn every Sunday since then. Until last Sunday.
My excuses? I had 2 rehearsals and 2 concerts to play over the weekend, so I wasn't able to sit at the computer for several days. And my aunt was visiting. She has been spending Christmas with us ever since she was widowed in 2001. She couldn't come this past Christmas because of a sudden medical emergency, so she had her Christmas airline tickets changed to come visit us this past Presidents' Day weekend.
We left our icicle lights up on the back fence to light while she was here. We gave her her Christmas stocking candy cane, listened to "The Messiah" on CD, lit a Christmas candle in the family room, and ate pumpkin pie for breakfast when she was here.
I tell you all of this because you need to understand that I've had Christmas on my mind this past week. Now, "all of a sudden," it's going to be Ash Wednesday in three days. I'm still basking in the glow of Christmas remembered, and I'm being rudely forced to shift my thinking from the manger to the Cross. From the thoughts of the angels singing, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" to being reminded of the taunts of, "Crucify Him!"
We don't like being reminded of the whole reason Jesus took on earthly form. It's too fun to celebrate Christmas and think of the Baby. We don't like to meditate on our sin or our disobedience. Or the cross.
But here I am. Going from the "Halleluia Chorus" to choosing an Ash Wednesday hymn to teach my children in school this week. After some searching on the internet, I've found one that we're going to learn.
And for those of you who are close to sending precious children off to college soon, go here to see how this hymn's composer received his degree from Oxford University. It's quite interesting!
By the way, this picture was not taken by me, but it caught my eye. It's from a website of a Catholic school in California and it reminded me of my daughter when she was this age.
Click on the hymn title below to hear the melody of the hymn. Blessings to you all.
"Once More the Solemn Season Calls"
Once more the solemn season calls
A holy fast to keep;
And now within the temple walls
Let priest and people weep.
But vain all outward sign of grief,
And vain the form of prayer,
Unless the heart implore relief,
And penitence be there.
We smite the breast, we weep in vain,
In vain in ashes mourn,
Unless with penitential pain
The smitten soul be torn.
In sorrow true then let us pray
To our offended God,
From us to turn His wrath away
And stay the uplifted rod.
O God, our Judge and Father, deign
To spare the bruisèd reed;
We pray for time to turn again,
For grace to turn indeed.
Blest Three in One to Thee we bow;
Vouchsafe us, in Thy love,
To gather from these fasts below
Immortal fruit above.
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