My maternal grandfather dutifully followed in the footsteps of his male ancestors and became a pastor, but his passion was agriculture. He was able to transfer this love of growing things to me through three special visits.
When I was about seven years old, Grandpa and Grandma DeChant took a trip from Ohio to visit us in Colorado one summer. Grandpa took me for a walk and when we were almost home, he stooped and drew my attention to some vividly colored zinnias growing alongside the sidewalk in our neighbors' yard. The colors were striking, but it was a long-spent bloom, turned withered and brown that he held in his fingers to show me. As he retrieved the seeds from their little case, he opened up a new world to me. The miracle of all those seeds, being produced by a single bloom was revealed to me by the man who secretly longed to be a farmer.
Seven years later it was my pleasure to take a trip to visit my grandparents in Ohio. I was proud to attend church on Sunday and hear him preach, but it was our forays out into his garden that I cherished. I remember most his roses, day lilies, and pansies. While checking on his rose garden I was very impressed that he was not the least bit reticent to squish aphids between his fingers. I wondered, "Will I ever love gardening so much that I won't think twice about squishing aphids by hand?"
Several years later, Grandpa was gone, and my mother and I took a trip to her childhood home in Virginia. The church where her father preached had turned into an Italian restaurant after the new church was built, and the parsonage where she lived was long gone. We sat in the former sanctuary ordering from the menu, and she regaled me with stories from her childhood. She remembered that Grandpa had grown pansies in the shady area between the church and the parsonage. We looked at old photos of the church while our dinners were being prepared. Then, when our meals arrived, we were blessed to be presented with sumptuous food garnished with...pansies! Only God can orchestrate such memories.
I now joyfully garden, I always grow pansies, and I unabashedly squish aphids by hand. I also look forward to eventually being reunited with my grandfather where we can enjoy God's heavenly gardens.
Oh, Deb, what beautiful memories! They stir my heart with my own love of gardening! How lovely...and how blessed you are to have have such a grandfather. :)
Thanks, Lanier. I know I am indeed blessed. I called my mom tonight and told her about this post I had written. She said twice, "You remember that!? Oh, I wish Grandpa could have known the influence he had." Well...if he doesn't know now, he will one day! I'll tell him myself! Do you suppose there are aphids in heaven? If there are, we'll squish 'em together! :)
Oh, dear, I hope there are no aphids in heaven! ;) Or Japanese beetles, or squash vine borers or cut worms! We gardeners have our share of enemies in this life...
Your story is beautiful! I missed knowing my grandpa who gardened...and farmed. He died before I was born. But I love gardening and I could just picture the flowers and gardens in your story.
The church I grew up in was recently torn down! It tore my heart to drive by it and see a vacant lot, ready to build some city government building on it. =( (they moved locations too)
I figure there are either no aphids in heaven, or they are useful and harmless. I DON'T think we'll have to squish any. :)
So sorry to hear about the church you grew up in. I know what you mean. My great grandfather's house in Cleveland was torn down and is now a parking lot for an apartment building. I still have childhood memories from that house, but it's just not the same. We can look forward to the place He is building for us in heaven. Those mansions are never going to be turned into parking lots or government buildings!
Oh how beautiful Deb! My grandfather was also a preacher!
And squishing aphids! that is great lol!
Super memories!
Thanks for your post!
Three cheers for preacher grandfathers!!!! (But no cheers for the aphids!)
Thanks for visiting!
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