Monday, September 24, 2007

Choose For Yourselves This Day

"...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15 NKJV

I wrote in a recent post how this section of Joshua had been referred to frequently at our church while we studied scripture concerning the rift in the Episcopal church.

A few happenings served to underscore the truth in this verse. First, some women in our church just returned from a Women of Faith conference held this past weekend, and one of the ladies was singing the praises of Beth Moore. I've heard of Beth Moore, but I know nothing about her. Someone else wisely said, "I hear people rave about Beth Moore. If what she teaches makes people talk about her so much, isn't something wrong? Shouldn't they be raving about Jesus?"

Recently, I mentioned to another home schooler something R.C. Sproul, Jr., said at the Colorado home school conference a year ago. She then sent me several internet links which criticize both Sproul and Doug Phillips of Vision Forum fame. (The purpose of my blog isn't to debate the truth or myth of either claim here.)

Lastly, in a recent conversation, someone asked me if we were 'following our priest' to the new church. I replied that we were leaving the apostate Episcopal church (which is now in the hands of the Bishop, who pushes unity over Biblical truth) and going to the new Anglican church (which our priest is founding).

In every one of these examples, I notice that problems arise when we put our trust in earthly men. I think we desperately want to find the magic bullet, the perfect book, the perfect seminar, the perfect church that will help us to become the perfect Christian. Such a thing, as invented by man, doesn't exist.

There is no magic bullet, but there was a cross and a grave that didn't mean the end of a Life. There is no perfect book, except the Book, the Holy Bible. There is no perfect seminar, except perhaps the Sermon on the Mount. And, there is no perfect church, until we all join our voices in heaven to praise our heavenly Father. Let's not put our trust in anything here on earth.

"...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

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