Monday, September 03, 2007

Two Souls in Glory

I just saw these entries on two blogs I read and wanted to share them.

The two blogs are kept by farmers. One is a newly single mother of six, running a dairy farm in Kansas. The other is a farmer in Minnesota who keeps a blog along with three other farmers. Both blogs have valuable insight into various aspects of the Christian life: hard work, being faithful, and persevering, to name a few.

Another thing they provide is a down-to-earth honest account of their lives. That seems to be the hallmark of all the agrarian blogs I read, and of the few ranch families I know here in Colorado. I find such honesty so refreshing, especially in a time where most of what we see or hear from various media sources has been "enhanced" visually and/or auditorally. The "pretty" girl on the cover of the latest magazine doesn't really look like that. The latest pop star doesn't really sound like that, either. But, it's pretty hard for a farmer to fake it during coffee time at church, when everyone passes his drought ravaged withering corn fields on the way to town. I appreciate honesty over facade any day.

So here are the blog posts. They're a bit long, but worth reading if you can sit a spell. By the way, I keep both blogs listed in the sidebar to the right so you can check them out anytime. They're well worth reading on a regular basis.

Northern Farmer wrote about his fellow farming neighbor, Jim, who just passed away. Tom's description of the ways Jim lived out of his faith is a true inspiration.

Another bittersweet post was by Kansas Milkmaid about a family who just laid their newborn to rest.

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