Monday, November 10, 2008

Cheer Up - Part 2

Here's a comment from another reader of Blog and Mablog, concerning the domino theory post.

We shouldn't wait until our families and churches are just where we need them before effecting local politics, though. Perfection is not achievable in an imperfect world. Family and Church should be a priority in the sense of attention, not in the sense of first this, then everything else.
David Henry - 11/10/2008

This is a good point. Just as in falling dominos, the second and third dominos begin falling before the first one has finished its "job". But, they won't fall unless the first one is on target, close enough, and strong enough to push them over.

As a home schooler, I have a tremendous responsibility, don't I? But, I like this analogy to help guide me.

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