Saturday, November 15, 2008

Labour at Prayer

The way fruit remains is by prayer, but remember it is prayer based on the agony of Redemption, not on your agony. Whichever way God engineers circumstances, the duty is to pray. You labour at prayer and results happen all the time from His standpoint.
Oswald Chambers

I took our son fishing late this afternoon. Nothing was biting. Too cold, he thought. It didn't matter really, it was so nice just to be outside where it was peaceful and quiet. I snapped this photo of him with my phone (I still marvel at that capability!), and thought about how big his is, and how nice he is. I remembered how long we waited for our first born, this boy, who will in a few short years be leaving home. I am not ready. I will never be.

So I pray to God that He will continue to guide us in raising our son into a godly young man. And I pray that He will fill in the numerous empty spaces left by our ineptitudes.

You labour at prayer and results happen all the time from His standpoint.

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