Friday, August 10, 2007

Foxes Have Their Holes

I had the privilege of taking our dog for a long walk recently. The air was slightly humid (by Colorado standards), the sun was shaded somewhat by scanty cloud cover and there were droplets still clinging to some of the grasses from the previous night's much-needed rain.

About half-way through a field, I spied a prairie dog hole close to the path. Now, I know prairie dogs don't have the same romantic appeal as foxes, but I was reminded of Jesus's comment, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head." (Matthew 8:20 and Luke 9:58)

This verse reminds us that Jesus was always on the move, teaching and healing. In the margins of my Bible I copied someone's wisdom: "Deprived of provisions in the natural world (Matthew 8:20), Jesus is revealed as nature's Lord (Matthew 8:26)."

On my walk I was also struck by the temporary nature of Christ's time on earth. In terms of importance, there has been no other more necessary or important Person who walked the face of this earth. But, when thinking of actual time spent here, in light of eternity, He was here for just a blip of time. In light of eternity,OUR time here on earth is but a blip as well.

How do we spend that blip? We're just passing through. Yet, we're supposed to obey God, glorify Him, serve Him and His people, minister to others, etc. A fox hole can be a useful thing from which to fight a battle, spiritual or otherwise. But a fox hole that ties us down and doesn't allow us to roam freely, going WHERE we are sent, WHEN we are sent becomes a burden instead.

May we not get too bogged down in our fox holes that we don't see the service we can render to our brothers, our sisters, and our Heavenly Father.

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