Friday, August 03, 2007

Just for fun...Puns

Here are a few favorites from a bunch of puns my daughter forwarded to me.

* A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion.

* Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft and I'll show you A flat miner.

* In a democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism, it's your Count that votes.

And the one that made me laugh out loud...

* A grenade fell onto a kitchen floor in France, and resulted in
Linoleum Blownapart.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm ...

Here is a duplicate. Did you hear about the British real estate firm with 7 apartments for rent. A-flat minor. (Seven flats).

Deb said...

Nice to hear from you, Jon! Hope things are going well for you and your family.

How was the Jordan conference at your church? Our former pastor just returned from the Biblical Horizons conference in Florida. I'll see our pastor's wife tomorrow and hear all about it.

How's it going with the chickens?

Anonymous said...

Our pastor was also at the BH conference. He covered some of the material he learned during our monthly men's meeting this past Friday night. Unfortunately, I had a wedding rehearsal that night (I played and my daughter and I sang at a wedding on Saturday) so I had to miss it.

The Jordan conference was great. The audio is available at Just look down the list to the dates from 6/22 - 6/24/2007.

The chickens are giving us fits. Right now we just have layers (though we soon need to be getting another batch of meat birds). It seems like if I leave them penned up in the pasture pen, then they get bored and peck and devour their own eggs. But if I let them out, they are laying all over, and I think my dog is getting to the eggs and eating them. (At the very least, I know my dog has destroyed almost all of the dozen ceramic eggs that I got to train the chickens NOT to peck their own eggs.) I think "Sir William" is getting discouraged by the reduced egg count we are getting; I know I sure am.

I think I am going to put up fencing around the pasture that will keep the dog out. (It won't take much, as most of the pasture already has fencing that would keep the dog out.) I'm also adding some electric fencing to do intensive grazing management with a cow/calf pair that I am getting. Maybe I will add a lower wire to encourage the dog to stay out of the pasture. :)

Deb said...


Small world: first, "cousins," then my (former) pastor and yours at the same conference. My pastor (Rich Bledsoe) did some of the teaching at the BH conference. Since Peter Leithart couldn't come and someone else whose name escapes me (Jeff Meyers??) didn't come, I heard that some of the younger guys stepped in to do some teaching, too.

Sorry to hear about your troubles with the chickens (and dog). There is no such thing as idyllic farming, I suppose. It's kind of like parenting. It's a lot harder than you thought. But then again it's also more rewarding than you expected, and in ways you couldn't imagine.

Northern Farmer blog had a recent post about how farmers need to be the smartest people in a culture.

Is your cow/calf going to be for meat or milk? We have friends with a cattle ranch in NE Colorado, and they spend a LOT of time working on the fences. I wish you the best with your endeavors. Fences, eggs, chickens, cow, etc.

Blessings to you and your family.