Monday, August 20, 2007

In God's Hands

My husband and I were not Christians when we married, but the Lord in His mercy, drew us both to Himself. Not having Christian friends or family for guidance, we hunted around for almost ten years to find a good church. We joined a PCUSA, then Baptist, and then Evangelical Free. It wasn't until we "happened" upon Reformed theology and discovered a little PCA church that we knew we had found our niche.

We were at our church for about 11 years, and grew tremendously in our faith. It felt like our world came crashing down when the church disbanded (long story--aren't they all?). We miss so many things about that church and have never found anything that matches it. But a little over a year ago we started attending an Episcopal church all because it had an organ and I couldn't bear to sing insipid praises songs for Easter. This particular Episcopal church had very similar liturgy, weekly communion with wine, which our children were allowed to take, and we sang hymns. The teaching wasn't as deep as our old church, but it was Biblical and practical. We disagreed with major points of theology within the Episcopal church at large, but this church seemed to be full of many God-fearing, Bible-believing Christians. We decided to stick around, knowing that ensuing turbulence was sure to come.

Well, it has struck. I suspect that our vestry is soon going to recommend totally breaking away from The Episcopal Church. Some of the old-timers feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them. A few others are playing the role of ostriches, and don't want to deal with the apostasy within The Episcopal Church's leadership. I pray that such a breaking away will glorify God.

One of the old-timers said at a meeting last week, "We're in the Bishop's hands now."

Our rector replied, "No, we're in God's hands. God's calling us to faithfulness."

Isn't it comforting to know we're always in God's hands?

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
And He delights in his way.
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

Psalm 37:23-24 (NKJV)

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