Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ora et Labora-Part 3

I got to go to the Abbey again last week with a dear friend.

I started keeping a journal of Abbey visits when I went two years ago. Some of the same words crop up in my thoughts from visit to visit: peaceful, calm, serene, worshipful, simplicity, sense of purpose.

In addition, this time I was struck by the contrasts present at the Abbey:

Work and Prayer
Same and Unique
Order and Freedom

It seems that the very things that one would mistakenly think would constrict the sisters, actually serve to free them. One might think that work and prayer would interfere with one another, but the two together form a perfect balance and serve to enhance each other.

The sisters may look similar when wearing their habits. But, because of their "uniform," you don't notice who is skinny, who is heavier, who has new clothes, etc. You look at their faces, where you see joy instead of stress.

They have the same schedule every weekday, but it appears to free them instead of restrict them. They are more in tune with the seasons because of their farm work. They all have such a sense of purpose, not just for their own community, but for all of those who come to the Abbey for retreats.

Two years ago I wrote in my Abbey journal:
The Abbey creates a haven for me--a place I love to be. A place that nurtures. A place that comforts you the minute you walk in. A place that comforts you when you merely think about it. A place that you think of when you're away. A place that you want to return to. A place that makes you want to be more like the sisters: purposeful, reverent, unhurried, loving, diligent.

As I reflect on this, I realize that my duty is to create a similar haven for my family in our home. It's a tall order, but it should be what drives my decision making, my every action, my daily prayer.

Lord, help me to make a haven for my family in our home.

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