Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Waiting Patiently for the Lord

My husband took our dog, Lady, on a walk early this morning and as is his custom, let her go off her leash in a huge field. It was still dark, and when a jogger spooked our dog, she bolted. After searching frantically, my very dejected husband came home alone. By now, it was light, so I went out in the car, while our son took off on his bicycle. Separately, we combed the area and prayed. I came home to wake our daughter when my husband left for work. She cried and prayed while we searched together.

About an hour and 45 minutes after Lady was lost, our son found her sitting under a tree in a large open area. The spot was one I had driven past, and our son had ridden by twice. Lady hadn't been there before, but here she was, sitting patiently close to a little road, where we could see her. Aside from being hot, tired, and thirsty, Lady was so happy to see us. God was gracious.

It was when our dog sat still and waited that we finally found her. Sometimes that's what we need to do with our Lord. We need to quit being so busy and stop constantly running around. We need to wait patiently for the Lord. It's not that He can't find us, for of course He always knows where we are. But until we sit and listen and wait, we won't know He's there calling our name. Eager to draw us back to Himself. Ready to take us home.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
And in His word I do hope.

Psalm 130:5 (NKJV)

(Until we have a working digital camera, this photo of someone else's dog will have to suffice. Of course, our dog's cuter!)

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