Monday, August 27, 2007

The View From Our Schoolroom Window

Today was the first day of school for the neighborhood government elementary school, and as is usually the custom, many parents escorted their children to their classrooms. Living 1/2 block from the school, our street ends up as an overflow parking spot.

Our little schoolroom overlooks our front yard and the street. This morning we had an SUV parked out front as parents walked their children to school. I was getting ready for our own school day and saw a young couple standing by the vehicle about ten minutes after the school's tardy bells had rung. They were hugging and the male appeared to be consoling the female.

Now, those are the facts. What I can only conjecture, but believe to be true, is that this woman was distressed over taking her child to school. Perhaps it is her child's first day of kindergarten. Perhaps she has accepted as "normal" that you take your child to school when they are five.

But what her heart told her was something quite different entirely. Leaving your five year old child in a large brick building with a stranger and lots of other little strangers isn't normal at all.


ChickenMama said...

Just discovered your blog. Great stuff. I'll be back to read more.

Deb said...

Welcome! Stop by anytime. I'll come over and take a visit at your place, too.

Deb said...

Well, I tried the link, twice, but didn't find your blog. I have a vague memory of trying once before. Perhaps I saw a comment of yours at Homesteader Life recently.